All Aboard for Sector 4
- Some time into the ride, an unscheduled ID scan sweeps the train.
Separate Ways
- The ID scan detects an anomaly and the passenger car they're in is sealed off. The team is forced to change their plan.
Looking for a Friend
- Having reunited after their dramatic leap from the train, the three regroup at a nearby rail map to discuss their next steps.
Get Your Bearings
- Barret decides to switch to plan E. The team will follow the Mako Reactor 5 line through the corkscrew tunnel, guided by the signs another Avalanche cell left.
Find Stamp
- Following the Stamp graffiti, the team arrives at the train yard. They must drive off security and find a way to get past the locked gate.
- The Nose Knows
- The team has found Avalanche's graffiti. Now they just have to follow Stamp's nose.
- Check the Route
- As there is a hidden passageway leading to the reactor from the train yard, the three set out to look for it.
- Train Yard Security
- The security officers guarding the train yard have been defeated, but the gate to the train yard is locked.
Secret Passageway
- The three dispatch the Crab Warden that was apparently station in the train yard. At last, they can take the secret passageway.
- Stairway Detour
- The team climbs the stairs next to the train yard and finds another way in. Now they head for the secret passageway in the train yard.
Slum Wisdom
- Avoiding Shinra security, the team leaves the corkscrew tunnel behind. Following the route to Mako Reactor 5, they move into the plate's interior.
Sudden Attack
- Jessie has been injured in the attack by unknown assailants, meaning Barret has no choice but to ask Cloud to participate in the next mission.
A New Operation
- Cloud, Tifa, and Barret all board the train and head for Mako Reactor 5, determined to make this second bombing mission a success.